How Bierce can help Landlords meet their obligations where an EPC is lawfully required
Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) for Dwellings
The Energy Act 2011 requires all properties in the Private Rental Sector to have an energy rating of E or above from 1st April 2018. It will be unlawful to let a property from this date if the rating is F or G to new tenancies.
From 1st April 2020 the law will apply to all properties.
Non-domestic properties (commercial) will have to follow the same requirements but all tenancies won't be encompassed until 1st April 2023. There is no obligation for a Landlord to spend any of their own money on energy efficiency measures (EEMs); they will only be required to use Green Deal Finance, ECO funding or other grants.
'Voluntary EPCs' have been introduced and will exempt an EPC which is produced by a landlord when there is no legal compulsion to do so; the landlord may be curious about measures that can be installed and could commission an EPC for their own interest, for example.
MEES only applies if an EPC exists. If a property has been let since, say 2006 (before EPCs were introduced) and there is no EPC because there hasn't yet been a trigger for that EPC to be produced, then MEES cannot apply.
According to DCLG, listed buildings are exempt if they are registered on the Historic England website (or the Welsh equivalent) but clarification is being sought as there is an implication from BEIS that this may not be the case.
If a property cannot reach a Band E or above using Green Deal Finance, ECO funding or other grants an exemption can be sought (for up to 5 years).
Expert advice is required to ensure that all routes are explored and that exemptions are correctly relied upon. Penalties for failing to do so can be up to £5,000 along with a publication penalty (Landlord’s breach published on a public section of the register). Note that this maximum amount of £5,000 applies PER PROPERTY, and per breach of the Regulation.
How Bierce can help
We can assist registering a property onto the exemption register by producing a Chartered Surveyor's Report, if a Band E cannot be achieved after carrying out fully-funded measures.
We will lodge the post-EPC after completion of works.
Whatever route is needed to compliance, Bierce can manage everything for a low, one-off fixed fee with no hidden charges.
Contact Nick Ainger for expert guidance on MEES
MEES Charging Points